I grew up in Cobb County GA but ended up moving to IL my Junior year of high school. It was culture shock to say at the least.
I had kids and got married working a normal job but realized I wanted way more than just a paycheck.
I was working as a logger. Cutting down trees in the timber which was brutally hot in the summer and even more dangerous in the winter.
There was an ad about being a hybrid fitness trainer so I checked it out. Doing it to just make some side money.
I knew it could be done but I just couldn’t seem to crack the code. That’s when I started investing in coaching programs. I spent over $50,000 on coaches and internet marketing training and while I learned some great things, none of it worked for me.
After struggling over and over, I decided to take what I had learned not to do, and try a new method, my own.
That’s when everything changed!
Before I knew it, I had my first $10,000 week!
Since then I haven’t looked back!
Fast forward some and I ended up exiting and selling my online fitness business after doing over 7 figures and started another company to help people use my methods to reach their goal faster.
I grew up in Cobb County GA but ended up moving to IL my Junior year of high school. It was culture shock to say at the least.
I had kids and got married working a normal job but realized I wanted way more than just a paycheck.
I was working as a logger. Cutting down trees in the timber which was brutally hot in the summer and even more dangerous in the winter.
There was an ad about being a hybrid fitness trainer so I checked it out. Doing it to just make some side money.
I knew it could be done but I just couldn’t seem to crack the code. That’s when I started investing in coaching programs. I spent over $50,000 on coaches and internet marketing training and while I learned some great things, none of it worked for me.
After struggling over and over, I decided to take what I had learned not to do, and try a new method, my own.
That’s when everything changed!
Before I knew it, I had my first $10,000 week!
Since then I haven’t looked back!
Fast forward some and I ended up exiting and selling my online fitness business after doing over 7 figures and started another company to help people use my methods to reach their goal faster.
He started building his online fitness business in 2015. He was sick of being chained to the gym working crazy hours for crap pay.
In January of 2018 had done over 1.4 million in online fitness.
Helping people transform their lives by making themselves a priority.
Making the transition into starting a mentorship in 2018 to help in person trainers make the transition into the digital landscape and online trainers grow to do the numbers he had previously done.
In 2020 ELITE Academy was opened to more than just FitPros and now has helped over 2500+ online business owners start and scale their business.
So... if you're currently an online business owner OR aspiring fitness coach and you have a passion for something and want to turn it into a 6 figure income...